
(ethics) The position associated with Moore, that identifies ethical propositions as objectively true or false, different in content from any empirical or other kind of judgement, and known by a special faculty of ‘intuition’. Critics charge that the term explains nothing, but may merely function as a disguise for prejudice or passion.
(mathematics) The philosophy of mathematics propounded by Brouwer, although heralded in the constructivist views of the mathematicians Leopold Krönecker (1823–91), Poincaré ;, and Félix Borel (1871–1956). In reaction against mathematical Platonism, intuitionism holds that the subject-matter of mathematics is the mental constructions of mathematicians. These are thought of as actual processes that have an existence in time, and in Brouwer's thought connect with the appreciation of time and its division. It was with the development of intuitionistic logic that intuitionism took the stage as a serious rival to classical mathematics.

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • Intuitionism — This article is about Intuitionism in mathematics and philosophical logic. For other uses, see Ethical intuitionism. In the philosophy of mathematics, intuitionism, or neointuitionism (opposed to preintuitionism), is an approach to mathematics as …   Wikipedia

  • intuitionism — intuitionist, n., adj. /in tooh ish euh niz euhm, tyooh /, n. 1. Ethics. the doctrine that moral values and duties can be discerned directly. 2. Metaphys. a. the doctrine that in perception external objects are given immediately, without the… …   Universalium

  • intuitionism — noun An approach to mathematics/logic which avoids proof by contradiction, and which requires that, in order to prove that something exists, one must construct it. Intuitionism is underpinned by intuitionistic logic …   Wiktionary

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  • intuitionism — noun Date: 1847 1. a. a doctrine that objects of perception are intuitively known to be real b. a doctrine that there are basic truths intuitively known 2. a doctrine that right or wrong or fundamental principles about what is right and wrong can …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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