nominal definition — noun : a statement giving the meaning of a name, word, or expression a purely nominal definition, completely lacking in operational utility Morris Watnick contrasted with real definition … Useful english dictionary
nominal definition — noun Logic a definition that describes something sufficiently to distinguish it from other things, but without describing its essence … English new terms dictionary
nominal definitions — nominal definition … Philosophy dictionary
Nominal — Nom i*nal, a. [L. nominalis, fr. nomen, nominis, name. See {Name}.] 1. Of or pertaining to a name or names; having to do with the literal meaning of a word; verbal; as, a nominal definition. Bp. Pearson. [1913 Webster] 2. Existing in name only;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Definition — For other uses, see Definition (disambiguation). A definition is a passage that explains the meaning of a term (a word, phrase or other set of symbols), or a type of thing. The term to be defined is the definiendum. A term may have many different … Wikipedia
nominal — adj. 1 existing in name only; not real or actual (nominal and real prices; nominal ruler). 2 (of a sum of money, rent, etc.) virtually nothing; much below the actual value of a thing. 3 of or in names (nominal and essential distinctions). 4… … Useful english dictionary
nominal — nominal, ale, aux [ nɔminal, o ] adj. et n. m. • 1503; lat. nominalis, de nomen « nom » I ♦ Ling. 1 ♦ Qui se rapporte au nom (III), a valeur de nom, équivaut à un nom. Emploi nominal d un mot. Formes nominales de la conjugaison (infinitifs,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Nominal identity — is the identity in name only as opposed to the individual experience of that identity. The concept is often used in sociology, psychology and linguistics. Contents 1 Social sciences 1.1 Nominal identity in ethnicity 2 Linguistics … Wikipedia
nominal — nominal, ale (no mi nal, na l ) adj. 1° Qui est relatif au nom. • Il arrive si souvent, et surtout en histoire naturelle, qu une erreur nominale entraîne une erreur réelle...., BUFF. Ois. t. III, p. 352. Terme de logique. Définition… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Nominal analogue blanking — Nominal analog blanking or nominal analogue blanking is the outermost part of the overscan of a standard definition digital television image. It consists of a variable and arbitrary gap of black (or nearly black) pixels at the left and right… … Wikipedia