per genus et differentiam
- per genus et differentiam
(Lat., through genus and a difference) An Aristotelian pattern of definition that proceeds by citing a genus to which a term belongs, and then the difference that gives its species and so locates it within the genus. The classic example is the definition of humans as rational animals.
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genus — A class of things that share the same character, but divide into different sub classes or species. The genus summum is the most inclusive genus, not itself serving as a species to another yet more general kind. To define per genus et differentiam … Philosophy dictionary
Genus proximum — et differentia specifica ist die abgekürzte Form der scholastischen Formulierung der klassischen Definitionsregel „definitio fi(a)t per genus proximum et differentiam specificam“. Diese auf Aristoteles zurückgehende Regel, nach der eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Genus proximum et differentia specifica — ist die abgekürzte Form der scholastischen Formulierung der klassischen Definitionsregel „definitio fi(a)t per genus proximum et differentiam specificam“. Diese auf Aristoteles zurückgehende Regel, nach der eine Definition durch Angabe der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Genus–differentia definition — Part of a series on Aristotelianism … Wikipedia
Genus-differentia definition — A genus differentia definition is one in which a word or concept that indicates a species a specific type of item, not necessarily a biological category is described first by a broader category, the genus, then distinguished from other items in… … Wikipedia
Список латинских фраз — В Викицитатнике есть страница по теме Латинские пословицы Во многих языках мира, в том числе в … Википедия
List of philosophy topics (I-Q) — II and thou I Ching I Ching I proposition I Thou I Thou relationshipIaIamblichus (philosopher)IbYahya Ibn Adi Yahya Ibn Adi Ibn al Arabi Muhyi al Din Ibn al Arabi Abu Bakr Ibn Bajja Abu Bakr Ibn Bājja Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn as Say igh… … Wikipedia
species — Any class of individuals sharing common properties and denoted by one common noun. In biology, the class below a genus, comprising organisms capable of interbreeding. The biological name, e.g. homo sapiens consists of the name of the wider genus… … Philosophy dictionary
fundamentum divisionis — (Lat., the basis of division) The principle according to which a genus is divided into species. See per genus et differentiam … Philosophy dictionary
Utilitarians (The early) — The early utilitarians Bentham and James Mill G.L.Williams Jeremy Bentham was born in 1748 in London; his prosperous father, a lawyer who became wealthy from property rather than the law, planned out for his son a brilliant legal career. After an … History of philosophy