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  • Reason — involves the ability to think, understand and draw conclusions in an abstract way, as in human thinking. The meaning of the word reason overlaps to a large extent with rationality and the adjective of reason in philosophical contexts is normally… …   Wikipedia

  • Reason — • Article discussing various definitions of the term Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Reason     Reason     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • reason — rea·son n 1: an underlying ground, justification, purpose, motive, or inducement required to provide reason s for the termination in writing 2 a: the faculty of comprehending, inferring, or distinguishing esp. in a fair and orderly way b: the… …   Law dictionary

  • Reason — Rea son (r[=e] z n), n. [OE. resoun, F. raison, fr. L. ratio (akin to Goth. ra[thorn]j[=o] number, account, gara[thorn]jan to count, G. rede speech, reden to speak), fr. reri, ratus, to reckon, believe, think. Cf. {Arraign}, {Rate}, {Ratio},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • reason — n 1 Reason, ground, argument, proof are comparable when they mean a point or series of points offered or capable of being offered in support of something questioned or disputed. Reason usually implies the need of justification, either to oneself… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Reason — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Reason Desarrollador Propellerhead Software Información general …   Wikipedia Español

  • reason — ► NOUN 1) a cause, explanation, or justification. 2) good or obvious cause to do something: we have reason to celebrate. 3) the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgements logically. 4) (one s reason) one s sanity. 5) what is… …   English terms dictionary

  • reason — 1. The construction after the reason is can be with that or because: • One reason was that the Kuwaitis wouldn t give anyone a visa, except female print journalists Photography, 1991 • The reason I like the Beatles is because they remind me of… …   Modern English usage

  • reason — [rē′zən] n. [ME reisun < OFr < L ratio, a reckoning, reason: see READ1] 1. an explanation or justification of an act, idea, etc. 2. a cause or motive 3. the ability to think, form judgments, draw conclusions, etc. 4. sound thought or… …   English World dictionary

  • Reason — steht für Reason Why, Faktor eines Werbekonzepts Reason (Software), Musiksoftware Reason (Zeitschrift), US Monatszeitschrift Reason (Rapper), deutscher Rapper Reason ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Rex Reason (* 1928), US amerikanischer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Reason — Rea son, v. t. 1. To arrange and present the reasons for or against; to examine or discuss by arguments; to debate or discuss; as, I reasoned the matter with my friend. [1913 Webster] When they are clearly discovered, well digested, and well… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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