Sorites paradox — The Sorites paradox ( σωρός ( sōros ) being Greek for heap and σωρίτης ( sōritēs ) the adjective) is a paradox that arises from vague predicates. The paradox of the heap is an example of this paradox which arises when one considers a heap of sand … Wikipedia
Sorites — may refer to:*Polysyllogism, a string of syllogisms *Sorites paradox, a special case of polysyllogism also referred to as the paradox of the heap … Wikipedia
paradox — A paradox arises when a set of apparently incontrovertible premises gives unacceptable or contradictory conclusions. To solve a paradox will involve either showing that there is a hidden flaw in the premises, or that the reasoning is erroneous,… … Philosophy dictionary
sorites problem — Paradox presented by the following reasoning: One grain of sand does not constitute a heap; if n grains of sand do not constitute a heap, then neither do n + 1 grains of sand; therefore, no matter how many grains of sand are put together, they… … Universalium
Paradox — Ein Paradoxon oder Paradox (altgriechisch παράδοξον, von παρα , para – gegen und δόξα, dóxa – Meinung, Ansicht), auch Paradoxie (παραδοξία) und in der Mehrzahl Paradoxa g … Deutsch Wikipedia
Paradoja sorites — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ¿En qué momento un montón de arena deja de serlo cuando se van quitando granos? La paradoja del montón (o la paradoja sorites, sorites en Griego significa pila, montón ) es una paradoja que aparece cuando la gente… … Wikipedia Español
Mere addition paradox — Part of a series on Utilitarianism … Wikipedia
millet seed paradox — A version of the Sorites paradox, although associated with Zeno s paradox, as it concerns the creation of a finite quantity from enough cases of ‘nothing’. A single millet seed falling makes no noise. And for any number n, n × 0 = 0. But a finite … Philosophy dictionary
bald man paradox — See Sorites paradox … Philosophy dictionary
heap, paradox of the — See Sorites paradox … Philosophy dictionary