

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • Intensional logic — embraces the logical study of intensional languages. While in extensional languages all of their functors are extensional (and that suffices in many formal languages developed for formalizing special fields in mathematics or science),… …   Wikipedia

  • Intensional — * in Philosophy of language: not extensional. See also intensional definition versus extensional definition. * in Philosophy of mind: an intensional state is a state which has a propositional content. * in Mathematical logic: see intensional… …   Wikipedia

  • Intensional statement — In logic, an intensional statement form is a statement form with at least one instance such that substituting co extensive expressions into it does not always preserve logical value. An intensional statement is a statement that is an instance of… …   Wikipedia

  • Intensional definition — In logic and mathematics, an intensional definition gives the meaning of a term by specifying all the properties required to come to that definition, that is, the necessary and sufficient conditions for belonging to the set being defined. For… …   Wikipedia

  • Extensional — Extension und Intension (auch Begriffsumfang und Begriffsinhalt) bezeichnen in der Logik und Sprachphilosophie verschiedene, nach Meinung mancher Autoren entgegengesetzte Eigenschaften von Begriffen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Extension 2 Intension 3… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Extensional context — In philosophy of language, a context in which a sub sentential expression e appears is called extensional if and only if e can be replaced by an expression with the same extension and necessarily preserve truth value. The extension of a term is… …   Wikipedia

  • Intensional — Extension und Intension (auch Begriffsumfang und Begriffsinhalt) bezeichnen in der Logik und Sprachphilosophie verschiedene, nach Meinung mancher Autoren entgegengesetzte Eigenschaften von Begriffen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Extension 2 Intension 3… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Extensional definition — An extensional definition of a concept or term formulates its meaning by specifying its extension, that is, every object that falls under the definition of the concept or term in question.For example, an extensional definition of the term nation… …   Wikipedia

  • extensional — ex|ten|si|o|nal 〈Adj.〉 1. auf der Extension (1) beruhend, auf sie bezogen; Ggs.: intensional (1) 2. umfangsidentisch (bes. in der Mengenlehre); Ggs.: intensional (2) …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • extensional — ex|ten|si|o|nal <zu 1↑...al>: 1. auf die Extension (2) bezogen; Ggs. ↑intensional 2. (bes. in der Mengenlehre) umfangsgleich; vgl. ↑intensional …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

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