modal logics

modal logics

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • Modal logic — is a type of formal logic that extends classical propositional and predicate logic to include operators expressing modality. Modals words that express modalities qualify a statement. For example, the statement John is happy might be qualified by… …   Wikipedia

  • Modal algebra — In algebra and logic, a modal algebra is a structure such that is a Boolean algebra, is a unary operation on A satisfying and for all x, y in A. Modal algebras provide models of propos …   Wikipedia

  • Logics for computability — are formulations of logic whichcapture some aspect of computability as a basic notion. This usually involves a mixof special logical connectives as well as semantics which explains how the logic is to be interpreted in a computational… …   Wikipedia

  • Modal companion — In logic, a modal companion of a superintuitionistic (intermediate) logic L is a normal modal logic which interprets L by a certain canonical translation, described below. Modal companions share various properties of the original intermediate… …   Wikipedia

  • Modal μ-calculus — In theoretical computer science, the modal μ calculus (also μ calculus, but this can have a more general meaning) is an extension of propositional modal logic (with many modalities) by adding a least fixpoint operator μ and a greatest fixpoint… …   Wikipedia

  • modal logic — Formal systems incorporating modalities such as necessity, possibility, impossibility, contingency, strict implication, and certain other closely related concepts. The most straightforward way of constructing a modal logic is to add to some… …   Universalium

  • Epistemic modal logic — is a subfield of modal logic that is concerned with reasoning about knowledge. While epistemology has a long philosophical tradition dating back to Ancient Greece, epistemic logic is a much more recent development with applications in many fields …   Wikipedia

  • Normal modal logic — In logic, a normal modal logic is a set L of modal formulas such that L contains: All propositional tautologies; All instances of the Kripke schema: and it is closed under: Detachment rule (Modus Ponens): ; Necessitation rule: implies . The… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic logic (modal logic) — For the subject in digital electronics also known as clocked logic, see dynamic logic (digital electronics). Dynamic logic is an extension of modal logic originally intended for reasoning about computer programs and later applied to more general… …   Wikipedia

  • T-norm fuzzy logics — are a family of non classical logics, informally delimited by having a semantics which takes the real unit interval [0, 1] for the system of truth values and functions called t norms for permissible interpretations of conjunction. They are mainly …   Wikipedia

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