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Pyrrho — Pyrrho, aus Elis, 376–288 v. Chr., Philosoph, war früher Maler u. ging als solcher mit Alexander dem Großen nach Indien, wurde dann Oberpriester in Elis u. erhielt das Bürgerrecht in Athen. Er selbst schrieb nie etwas. Seine Lehre: die Dinge… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Pyrrho — Pyrrho, griech. Philosoph, Stifter der ältern skeptischen Schule, geb. um 360 v. Chr. zu Elis, gest. um 270; nach ihm heißt der Skeptizismus auch Pyrrhonismus … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Pyrrho — Pyrrho, griech. Philosoph, geb. um 376 zu Elis, gest. 288 v. Chr., der Vater der älteren Skepsis, wohl kein Systematiker, sondern hauptsächlich darauf ausgehend, die Blößen der philosophischen Systeme durch scharfe Dialectik aufzudecken. Vergl.… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
PYRRHO — philosophus, patriâ Eleus; primo pictor, vixit temporibus iisdem, quibus Theophrastus et Epicurus, Olymp. 110. Nam audivit Drysoen Stilponis filium, atque Anaxarchum Abderitem: quem etiam in Indiam comitatus est. Praesens quoque erat, cum Indus… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Pyrrho — Infobox Philosopher region = Western Philosophy era = Ancient philosophy color = #B0C4DE name = Pyrrho birth = ca. 360 BC, Elis (Greece) death = ca. 270 BC school tradition = Skepticism influences = Democritus influenced = Timon of Phlius,… … Wikipedia
pyrrho-arsenite — Min. (pɪrəʊˈɑːsənaɪt) [Named 1886, f. Gr. πυρρός reddish + arsenite.] An orange red variety of berzeliite. in Cent. Dict. in Chester Dict. Names Min … Useful english dictionary
Pyrrho of Elis — (c. 365–275 BC) The founder of Greek scepticism . Pyrrho was originally a painter, but followed Anaxarchus to Persia as part of the train of Alexander the Great. There tradition has it that he was influenced by the gymnosophists (perhaps the… … Philosophy dictionary
Pyrrho — /pir oh/, n. c365 c275 B.C., Greek philosopher. * * * … Universalium
PYRRHO — the father of the Greek sceptics, born in Elis, a contemporary of Aristotle; his doctrine was, that as we cannot know things as they are, only as they seem to be, we must be content to suspend our judgment on such matters and maintain a… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Pyrrho — /ˈpɪroʊ/ (say piroh) noun c.365–c.275 BC, Greek philosopher who expounded the doctrine of the impossibility of attaining certainty of knowledge …