singular terms

singular terms
See term

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • Singular they — is a popular, non technical expression for uses of the pronoun they (and its inflected forms) when plurality is not required by the context. The Chicago Manual of Style notes: On the one hand, it is unacceptable to a great many reasonable readers …   Wikipedia

  • Singular point of an algebraic variety — In mathematics, a singular point of an algebraic variety V is a point P that is special (so, singular), in the geometric sense that V is not locally flat there. In the case of an algebraic curve, a plane curve that has a double point, such as the …   Wikipedia

  • Singular homology — In algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics, singular homology refers to the study of a certain set of topological invariants of a topological space X , the so called homology groups H n(X). Singular homology is a particular example of a… …   Wikipedia

  • Singular submodule — In the branches of abstract algebra known as ring theory and module theory, each right (resp. left) R module M has a singular submodule consisting of elements whose annihilators are essential right (resp. left) ideals in R. In set notation it is… …   Wikipedia

  • Singular point of a curve — In geometry, a singular point on a curve is one where the curve is not given by a smooth embedding of a parameter. The precise definition of a singular point depends on the type of curve being studied. Contents 1 Algebraic curves in the plane 1.1 …   Wikipedia

  • Singular integral — In mathematics, singular integrals are central to abstract harmonic analysis and are intimately connected with the study of partial differential equations. Broadly speaking a singular intetgral is an integral operator: T(f)(x) = int K(x,y)f(y) ,… …   Wikipedia

  • Singular function — The graph of the winding number of the circle map is an example of a singular function. In mathematics, a singular function is any function ƒ defined on the interval [a, b] that has the following properties: ƒ is continuous on [a, b]. (**) there… …   Wikipedia

  • Singular term — There is no really adequate definition of singular term . Here are some definitions proposed by different writers:# A term that tells us which individual is being talked about. (John Stuart Mill, Arthur Prior, P. F. Strawson) [Strawson 1950,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of terms used for Germans — There are many alternative ways to describe the people of Germany, though in English the official designated nationality as well as the standard noun is German. (see also demonym). During the early Renaissance, German implied that the person… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of Islamic terms in Arabic — The following list consists of concepts that are derived from both Islamic and Arab tradition, which are expressed as words in the Arabic language. The main purpose of this list is to disambiguate multiple spellings, to make note of spellings no… …   Wikipedia

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