
The influential analysis of David Lewis suggests that a regularity holds as a matter of convention when it solves a problem of co-ordination in a group. This means that it is to the benefit of each member to conform to the regularity, providing the others do so. Any number of solutions to such a problem may exist. For example, it is to the advantage of each of us to drive on the same side of the road as others, but indifferent whether we all drive on the right or the left. One solution or another may emerge for a variety of reasons. It is notable that on this account conventions may arise naturally; they do not have to be the result of specific agreement. This frees the notion for use in thinking about such things as the origin of language or of political society. See also conventionalism.

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • convention — [ kɔ̃vɑ̃sjɔ̃ ] n. f. • av. 1350; convencion 1268; lat. conventio, de venire « venir » I ♦ 1 ♦ Dr. Accord de deux ou plusieurs personnes portant sur un fait précis. ⇒ arrangement, compromis, contrat, engagement, entente, marché, pacte, traité.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • convention — con‧ven‧tion [kənˈvenʆn] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] behaviour and attitudes that most people in a society believe to be normal and right 2. [countable] a formal agreement, especially between countries, about rules for an activity such as… …   Financial and business terms

  • Convention — Con*ven tion, n. [L. conventio: cf. F. convention. See {Convene}, v. i.] 1. The act of coming together; the state of being together; union; coalition. [1913 Webster] The conventions or associations of several particles of matter into bodies of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Convention — may refer to: Treaty, an agreement in international law Convention (meeting), a large gathering of people who share a common interest Political convention, a formal gathering of people for political purposes Fan convention, a gathering of fans of …   Wikipedia

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  • convention — CONVENTION. subs. f. Accord, pacte, que deux ou plusieurs personnes font ensemble. Convention tacite, expresse, verbale, par écrit. Ils ont fait une convention entre eux, que celui.... La convention étoit que .... Je tiens la convention. Je m en… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • convention — Convention. s. f. Accord, pacte, que deux ou plusieurs personnes font ensemble. Convention tacite, expresse, verbale, par escrit. ils ont fait une convention entre eux que celuy &c. la convention estoit que &c. je me tiens à la convention. On dit …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • convention — [kən ven′shən] n. [ME convencioun < L conventio < pp. of convenire,CONVENE] 1. Rare a convening or being convened 2. a) an assembly, often periodical, of members or delegates, as of a political, social, professional, or religious group b)… …   English World dictionary

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  • convention T — Convention or principle laid down by Tarski as a ‘material adequacy condition’ governing the enterprise of giving a definition of the truth predicate for a language. A theory satisfies the requirement only if every instance of the schema ‘S is… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • convention — (n.) early 15c., agreement, from M.Fr. convention and directly from L. conventionem (nom. conventio) meeting, assembly, covenant, from convent , pp. stem of convenire (see CONVENE (Cf. convene)) …   Etymology dictionary

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