euthanasia, active/passive
- euthanasia, active/passive
Euthanasia is the action of directly causing the quick and painless death of a person, or omitting to prevent it when intervention was within the agent's powers. It is usually understood that euthanasia is performed only with the intention of relieving suffering, and where death is perceived as the greater good or lesser evil for the patient. Active euthanasia means acting to bring the death about, passive euthanasia means not preventing it (see
acts/omissions doctrine ). Although medical codes more commonly allow doctors to follow the passive option than they allow them to actively intervene to cause death, there are problems of drawing the distinction in particular cases. There is also the unpleasant possibility that the passive withholding of treatment may condemn the patient to a lingering and painful death, which an active intervention would have prevented. Euthanasia is something many people would wish for themselves if life were to become unbearable, although it is frequently opposed. One set of worries concerns its expansion to form a climate in which old people are encouraged to go quietly, and to feel guilty about hanging on. It is also opposed on the curious grounds of respect for life. In many systems of law it would be illegal to give a suffering person a painless death when, if a cat or dog were in the same condition, it would be illegal not to do so.
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euthanasia — euthanasia, active/passive … Philosophy dictionary
passive euthanasia — See euthanasia, active/passive … Philosophy dictionary
active euthanasia — See euthanasia, active/passive … Philosophy dictionary
Euthanasia — For mercy killings performed on animals, see Animal euthanasia. Part of a series on … Wikipedia
euthanasia — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ voluntary ▪ involuntary, non voluntary ▪ active, passive VERB + EUTHANASIA ▪ perform … Collocations dictionary
euthanasia — eu·tha·na·sia /ˌyü thə nā zhə/ n: the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured persons in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy – called also mercy killing; eu·tha·na·sic / nā zik, sik/ adj Merriam … Law dictionary
Euthanasia and the law — Efforts to change government policies on euthanasia in the 20th century have met limited success in Western countries. Country policies are described below in alphabetical order, followed by the exceptional case of the Netherlands. Euthanasia… … Wikipedia
Euthanasia — The word euthanasia comes straight out of the Greek eu , goodly or well + thanatos , death = the good death and for 18th century writers in England that was what euthanasia meant, a good death, a welcome way to depart quietly and well from life.… … Medical dictionary
euthanasia — /juθəˈneɪʒə / (say yoohthuh nayzhuh) noun 1. Also, active euthanasia. the deliberate bringing about of the death of a person suffering from an incurable disease or condition, as by administering a lethal drug or by withdrawing existing life… …
Voluntary Active Euthanasia — this page is on a specific paper, for the category of Euthanasia, see Euthanasia Voluntary Active Euthanasia is the name of a paper by Dan W. Brock in which it the morality and legality of Euthanasia is studied. Brock comes to the conclusion that … Wikipedia