
(c. 480–411 BC)
Athenian orator and Sophist . Scholars have disagreed whether there are two Antiphons or whether, as is now generally believed to be the case, the orator is identical with the Sophist. The oratorical Antiphon had a distinguished public career, mainly composing speeches for others. He was the brains of the oligarchic conspiracy, and when that failed was condemned to death, although his own speech in his defence was regarded as the best of its kind ever made. The sophistical Antiphon is mentioned by Xenophon and Aristotle as an opponent of Socrates.

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • Antiphon — Antiphon, en grec ancien Ἀντιφῶν / Antiphôn (Rhamnos, Attique v. 480–Athènes 410), est l un des dix grands orateurs attiques. Ce sophiste hédoniste s’était spécialisé dans plusieurs domaines de la sophia (la connaissance, le savoir) telle que le… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • ANTIPHON — quidam scripsit librum περὶ τῶ εν ἀρετῇ πρωτευσάντων, e quo Laertius Diogenes, l. 8. Pythagorae vitam illustrat. Citat eundem, sed περὶ τȏυ βίου τῶ εν ἀρετῇ πρωτευσάντων, Porphyrius, in Vita Pythagorae, et ex illo Cyrillus, l. 10. contra Iulianum …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Antiphon — bezeichnet: Antiphon (Musik), eine bestimmte Form eines Chorals Antiphon (Redner) (480–411 v. Chr.), einen griechischen Redner Antiphon (Sophist) (5. Jhd. v. Chr.), einen griechischen Philosophen und Sophisten. Die Identität mit dem Redner… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Antiphon — An ti*phon, n. [LL. antiphona, fr. Gr. ?. See {Anthem}.] 1. A musical response; alternate singing or chanting. See {Antiphony}, and {Antiphone}. [1913 Webster] 2. A verse said before and after the psalms. Shipley. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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