Arcesilāus — Arcesilāus, s. Arkesilaos … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Arcesilaus — Arcesilāus (grch. Arkesilaos), griech. Philosoph, geb. 315 v. Chr. zu Pitane in Äolien, gest. zu Athen 241, Begründer der »mittlern« Akademie, empfahl den nach der Wahrheit Strebenden, sie sollten, um frei von Irrtum zu bleiben, jedes bestimmte… … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Arcesilaus — Arcesilaus, aus Pitane in Aeolien, um 300 v. Chr. blühend, Stifter der neuen akadem. Schule; er lehrte, daß der Mensch nie eine vollständige Gewißheit erlangen könne, er müsse sich daher mit Meinungen statt mit Ueberzeugungen begnügen; st. zu… … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Arcesilaus — Infobox Philosopher region = Western Philosophy era = Ancient philosophy color = #B0C4DE image size = image caption = name = Arcesilaus birth = c. 316 BC, Pitane, Aeolis death = c. 241 BC, Athens school tradition = Platonism main interests =… … Wikipedia
Arcesilaus — /ahr ses euh lay euhs/, n. 316 241 B.C., Greek philosopher. * * * ▪ Greek philosopher born 316/315 BC, Pitane, Aeolis [now in Turkey] died c. 241 philosopher who succeeded Crates as head of the Greek Academy; (Academy) he introduced a… … Universalium
ARCESILAUS — I. ARCESILAUS Batti fil. Cyrenensium Rex, seditione civium regnô excidit. Polyaen. l. 8. c. 41. Herodot. Melpomene. Ei successit, filius Battus II. II. ARCESILAUS e Ducibus Alexandri Magni, cui post eius mortem, in divisione Provinciarum,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Arcesilaus — Arkesilaos von Pitane (* um 316/15 v. Chr.; † um 241/40 v. Chr.) war ein griechischer Philosoph. Arkesilaos war Scholarch, d. h. Schuloberhaupt der sog. Zweiten (mittleren) Akademie. Er gab der Schule eine skeptische Richtung durch Einführung der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Arcesilaus II of Cyrene — or Arcesilaus II (Greek: Ἀρκεσίλαος ὁ Χαλεπός, flourished 6th century BC) also known as Arcesilaus II The Oppressor , The Tough , The Severe or The Harsh . Arcesilaus was the fourth Greek Cyrenaean King and was a member of The Battiads dynasty.… … Wikipedia
Arcesilaus III of Cyrene — or Arcesilaus III (Greek: ο Αρκεσίλαος, flourished 6th century BC) was the sixth Greek Cyrenaean King and was a member of The Battiads dynasty. Arcesilaus was the son of the fifth Cyrenaean King Battus III and Cyrenaean Queen Pheretima. His… … Wikipedia
Arcesilaus IV of Cyrene — or Arcesilaus IV (Greek:ο Αρκεσίλαος, flourished 5th century BC) was the eighth and last Greek Cyrenaean King and last Greek Cyrenaean King to serve as a client king under Persian rule. He was a member of The Battiads Dynasty and is of Greek and… … Wikipedia
Arcesilaus I of Cyrene — Arcesilaus I or Arcesilaus I of Cyrene (Greek: ο Ἀρκεσίλαος; flourished 7th and 6th century BC) was the second Greek king of Cyrenaica and the second king of the Battiad dynasty. Arcesilaus was the son of Battus I, the first king of Cyrenaica and … Wikipedia