Ryle, Gilbert

Ryle, Gilbert
English philosopher and classicist. Ryle was born in Brighton, educated at Oxford, and after teaching from 1924 to 1945 at Christ Church, became professor at Oxford. His earliest interests were in the phenomenological tradition of Husserl and Heidegger . But from the 1930s onwards he absorbed the influence of the later work of Wittgenstein, becoming a fierce advocate of the kind of attention to language demanded by Wittgenstein and J. L. Austin. His Concept of Mind (1949) is a sustained attack on the Cartesian philosophy of mind, or dogma of the ‘ghost in the machine’. The behaviourism it substitutes is a little too brisk, but Ryle did a great deal to lay the groundwork for late developments such as functionalism . The brio and verve of his work are unusual in analytical philosophy, and come out further in Dilemmas (1953), and Plato's Progress (1966).

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  • Ryle, Gilbert —    b. 1900, Brighton; d. 1976    Philosopher    Gilbert Ryle was an exponent of analytic behaviourism, the theory that statements about mind can be translated, without loss of meaning, into statements about actual or possible behaviours. He held… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

  • Ryle, Gilbert — born Aug. 19, 1900, Brighton, Sussex, Eng. died Oct. 6, 1976, Whitby, North Yorkshire British philosopher, leading figure in the ordinary language, or Oxford school of analytic philosophy. He became a lecturer in philosophy at Christ Church… …   Universalium

  • Ryle, Gilbert — (19 ago. 1900, Brighton, Sussex, Inglaterra–6 oct. 1976, Whitby, North Yorkshire). Filósofo británico, figura principal de la escuela del lenguaje ordinario o escuela de Oxford de filosofía analítica. En 1924 fue nombrado profesor de filosofía en …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Ryle — Ryle, Gilbert …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Ryle — Gilbert Ryle Gilbert Ryle (1900–1976), philosophe anglais né à Brighton. Il est l un des plus grands représentants de l école philosophique d Oxford. Il est surtout connu pour son œuvre majeure, The Concept of Mind publiée en 1949, qui est tenue… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • RYLE (G.) — RYLE GILBERT (1900 1976) Le philosophe anglais Gilbert Ryle fit ses études de philosophie à Oxford, fut nommé lecteur en 1924 et, en 1925, tuteur (tutor ) à Christ Church College. De 1945 à 1968, il est «Waynflete professor of metaphysical… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Gilbert Ryle — (Brighton, 19 de agosto de 1900 – Oxford, 6 de octubre de 1976) fue un filósofo, representante de la escuela filosófica de Oxford. Se le considera uno de los miembros destacados de la llamada escuela analítica. La tesis central de la filosofía… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Gilbert Ryle — Infobox Philosopher region = Western Philosophers era = 20th century philosophy color = #B0C4DE image caption = name = Gilbert Ryle birth = 19 August 1900 death = death date and age|1976|10|6|1900|8|19|df=y school tradition = Analytic main… …   Wikipedia

  • Gilbert Ryle —  Pour l’article homonyme, voir Martin Ryle.  Demande de traduction …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Gilbert — (De W. Gilbert, físico inglés.) ► sustantivo masculino FÍSICA Denominación del gilbertio en la nomenclatura internacional. * * * gilbert. (Del ingl. gilbert, y este de W. Gilbert, 1544 1603, físico inglés). m. Fís. Unidad de fuerza magnetomotriz… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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