
(pl. schemata)
In many logical calculi, axioms and rules are presented as forms or schemata, with the provision that any of an infinite number of substitution instances are axioms. For example, the rule of inference modus ponens may be presented as A; A → B, so B, where A and B can be substituted by any well-formed formula of the calculus. Statements that are intuitively framed by talking of all functions, all properties, etc., such as Peano's fifth postulate, or the set-theoretic axioms of separation and replacement, are represented by axiom schemata in first-order logic.

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • schéma — [ ʃema ] n. m. • 1867; « figure géométrique » 1765; scema « figure de rhétorique » v. 1350; lat. schema, gr. skhêma « manière d être, figure » 1 ♦ Figure donnant une représentation simplifiée et fonctionnelle (d un objet, d un mouvement, d un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Schema — Sn Konzept, Muster erw. fach. (17. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus l. schēma, dieses aus gr. schẽma, eigentlich Haltung, Gestalt, Form , zu gr. échein haben, halten (ig. * segh * sghē ). Adjektiv: schematisch; Verb: schematisieren.    Ebenso nndl.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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