sentimentalism — SENTIMENTALÍSM, (2) sentimentalisme, s.n. 1. Tendinţă de a exagera rolul şi valoarea sentimentelor, de a aprecia lucrurile (numai) din punct de vedere afectiv sau de a da în mod obişnuit precădere acestui criteriu. 2. Gest, atitudine, comportare… … Dicționar Român
Sentimentalism — is used in different ways:* Sentimentalism (philosophy) a theory in moral epistemology concerning how one knows moral truths (also known as moral sense theory) * Sentimentalism (literature) a form of literary discourse … Wikipedia
Sentimentalism — Sen ti*men tal*ism, n. [Cf. F. sentimentalisme.] The quality of being sentimental; the character or behavior of a sentimentalist; sentimentality. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sentimentalism — 1817, from SENTIMENTAL (Cf. sentimental) + ISM (Cf. ism) … Etymology dictionary
sentimentalism — [sen΄tə ment′ liz΄əm] n. 1. the habit, quality, or condition of being sentimental 2. any expression of this sentimentalist n … English World dictionary
sentimentalism — sentimental ► ADJECTIVE 1) deriving from or prone to feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia. 2) having or arousing such feelings in an exaggerated and self indulgent way. ● sentimental value Cf. ↑sentimental value DERIVATIVES… … English terms dictionary
Sentimentalism (literature) — Sentimentalism (literally, appealing to the sentiments, also called maudlinism), as a literary and political discourse, has occurred much in the literary traditions of all regions in the world, and is central to the traditions of Indian… … Wikipedia
sentimentalism — noun Date: 1817 1. the disposition to favor or indulge in sentimentality 2. an excessively sentimental conception or statement • sentimentalist noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
sentimentalism — /sen teuh men tl iz euhm/, n. 1. sentimental tendency or character; predominance of sentiment over reason. 2. weak emotionalism; excessive indulgence in sentiment. 3. a display of sentimentality. [1810 20; SENTIMENTAL + ISM] * * * … Universalium
sentimentalism — noun a) A liking for sentimental things b) An overly sentimental thing or condition; bathos or sentimentality … Wiktionary