
By analogy with racism or sexism, the improper stance of refusing respect to the lives, dignity, rights or needs of animals of other than the human species.

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • Speciesism — involves assigning different values or rights to beings on the basis of their species membership. The term was coined by British psychologist Richard D. Ryder in 1973 to denote a prejudice based on physical differences.Ryder, Richard. [http://www …   Wikipedia

  • speciesism — (n.) discrimination against certain animals based on assumption of human superiority, first attested 1975 in Richard D. Ryder s Victims of Science, from SPECIES (Cf. species) + ISM (Cf. ism) …   Etymology dictionary

  • speciesism — [spē′shēz iz΄əm, spē′sēziz΄əm] n. discrimination against or exploitation of animals based on the assumption that humans are superior to and more important than all other species …   English World dictionary

  • speciesism — noun Date: 1973 1. prejudice or discrimination based on species; especially discrimination against animals 2. the assumption of human superiority on which speciesism is based …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • speciesism — /ˈspisizɪzəm/ (say speeseezizuhm) noun human discrimination against other animal species, especially in regard to the exploitation of certain animals for human benefit: *Speciesism is logically parallel to racism and sexism. Speciesists, racists …  

  • speciesism — speciesist, adj., n. /spee shee ziz euhm, see ziz /, n. discrimination in favor of one species, usually the human species, over another, esp. in the exploitation or mistreatment of animals by humans. [1970 75; SPECIES + ISM] * * * …   Universalium

  • speciesism — noun An ethical stance that assigns different worth or rights to beings on the basis of their species membership, such as assigning vastly different rights to animals and to humans. See Also: speciesist, speciesm, speciest, specism, specist …   Wiktionary

  • speciesism — spe|cies|ism [ spiʃiz,iz(ə)m ] noun uncount INFORMAL the idea that animals are less important than humans and do not have as many natural rights ╾ spec|ies|ist noun count, adjective …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Speciesism — belief that rights, and moral standing and/or moral personhood ought to be assigned on the basis of species membership. Usually involves the belief that humans have greater value or worth than other animal species …   Mini philosophy glossary

  • speciesism — [ spi:ʃi:ˌzɪz(ə)m, spi:s ] noun the assumption of human superiority over other creatures, leading to the exploitation of animals. Derivatives speciesist adjective &noun …   English new terms dictionary

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