Bacon, Roger

Bacon, Roger
(c. 12141292)
English philosopher and scientist, known as Doctor Mirabilis (‘marvellous doctor’). A member of the Franciscan order, Bacon began his career studying the previously forbidden works of Aristotle . However, he mixed his admiration for science with a relatively uncritical interest in Neoplatonic, astrological, and occult learning. His principal work is the Opus Maius (‘Greater Work’) detailing the causes that have hindered the progress of philosophy. Shorter works include the Opus Minus (‘Lesser Work’) and Opus Tertius (‘Third Work’). Bacon's writings show remarkable prescience, particularly in his use of mathematics, his investigations into the science of optics, and a stress on correct use of experience and language, but his work is generally regarded as uneven in quality, mingling uncritical respect for authority with real philosophical and scientific insight. However, he is credited with inventing spectacles. In 1277 Bacon's work was condemned by the Franciscan order forsuspect noveltiesand Bacon is said to have been imprisoned for a time.

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  • BACON, ROGER° — (c. 1214–1294), English philosopher and Hebraist. Bacon studied at Oxford (probably) and – from 1236 at the latest – Paris. He learned Hebrew, and his transliterations, reflecting Sephardi pronunciation, imply Jewish assistance. Bacon s advanced… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Bacon,Roger — Bacon, Roger. Known as “Doctor Mirabilis.” 1214? 1292. English friar, scientist, and philosopher whose Opus Majus (1267) argued that Christian studies should encompass the sciences. * * * …   Universalium

  • Bacon, Roger — • Philosopher, born at Ilchester, Somersetshire, about 1214; died at Oxford, perhaps 11 June, 1294 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Bacon, Roger — (ca. 1214–1292)    It is generally believed that Roger Bacon was born in ca. 1214, in Ilchester, Somersetshire, to a wealthy family of minor nobility. Bacon received a firstrate education based on the LIBERAL ARTS curriculum of the trivium and… …   Encyclopedia of medieval literature

  • Bacon, Roger — born с 1220, Ilchester, Somerset, or Bisley, Gloucester?, Eng. died 1292, Oxford English scientist and philosopher. He was educated at Oxford and the University of Paris and joined the Franciscan order in 1247. He displayed a prodigious energy… …   Universalium

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  • Bacon, Roger — (c. 1214–c. 1292)    Philosopher and Scientist.    An Englishman, Bacon received much of his education in Paris. He joined the Franciscan Order in c. 1257 and was part of the household of Cardinal de Foulques, who was to become Pope Clement IV.… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Bacon, Roger — See Metaphysics and science in the thirteenth century …   History of philosophy

  • Bacon, Roger — ► (1214 94) Filósofo y naturalista inglés, llamado Doctor mirabilis. Expuso la necesidad de las matemáticas y del método experimental, que él mismo aplicó en su obra más importante, Opus maius (1265). Otras obras: Opus minus, Opus tertium,… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • BACON, ROGER —    a Franciscan monk, born at Ilchester, Somerset; a fearless truth seeker of great scientific attainments; accused of magic, convicted and condemned to imprisonment, from which he was released only to die; suggested several scientific inventions …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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