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Augustinian — Au gus*tin i*an, a. Of or pertaining to St. Augustine, bishop of Hippo in Northern Africa (b. 354 d. 430), or to his doctrines. [1913 Webster] {Augustinian canons}, an order of monks once popular in England and Ireland; called also {regular… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Augustinian — [ô΄gəs tin′ē ən] adj. 1. of Saint Augustine of Hippo or his doctrines 2. designating or of any of several orders named for him n. 1. a follower of Saint Augustine of Hippo 2. a member of an Augustinian religious order Augustinianism n.… … English World dictionary
Augustinian — Au gus*tin i*an, n. One of a class of divines, who, following St. Augustine, maintain that grace by its nature is effectual absolutely and creatively, not relatively and conditionally. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
augustinian — AUGUSTINIÁN, Ă I. adj. referitor la Sf. Augustin. II. adj., s. m. f. (călugăr) aparţinând unui grup de ordine catolice stabilite pe baza scrierilor Sf. Augustin; augustin. (< fr. augustinien) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Augustinian — Augustinianism, Augustinism /aw gus teuh niz euhm/, n. /aw geuh stin ee euhn/, adj. 1. pertaining to St. Augustine of Hippo, to his doctrines, or to any religious order following his rule. n. 2. Rom. Cath. Ch. a member of any of several religious … Universalium
Augustinian — Monastic order named after St Augustine (of Hippo), one of the Fathers of the Church; the order followed the Rule of St Augustine and had two branches, *Augustinian canons and *Augustinian friars. They established themselves in England first near … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Augustinian — Augustine Au*gus tine, Augustinian Au gus*tin i*an, n. (Eccl.) A member of one of the religious orders called after St. Augustine; an Austin friar. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Augustinian — I. noun Date: 1534 1. a member of an Augustinian order; specifically a friar of the Hermits of St. Augustine founded in 1256 and devoted to educational, missionary, and parish work 2. a follower of St. Augustine II. adjective Date: 1653 1. of or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Augustinian — 1. adjective a) of, or relating to St Augustine of Hippo b) of, or relating to several religious orders influenced by him 2. noun a) a follower of St Augustine, of his doctrines b) a … Wiktionary
Augustinian — [ˌɔ:gə stɪnɪən] adjective relating to St Augustine (354 430) or his doctrines. ↘relating to or denoting a religious order observing a rule derived from St Augustine s writings. noun a member of an Augustinian order. ↘an adherent of the doctrines… … English new terms dictionary
Augustinian — Au•gus•tin•i•an [[t]ˌɔ gəˈstɪn i ən[/t]] adj. 1) rel pertaining to St. Augustine of Hippo, to his doctrines, or to any religious order following his rule 2) rel a member of any of the Roman Catholic Augustinian orders 3) rel a follower of St.… … From formal English to slang