Boltzmann, Ludwig

Boltzmann, Ludwig
Austrian physicist and philosopher of science. Boltzmann sought to integrate physics with the philosophy of science, opposing both the a priori, uninformed speculations of philosophers, and the philosophically indifferent approaches of many physicists. His emphasis on the open-ended hypothetical nature of theorizing strikingly anticipates the falsificationism of Popper, whilst his connection between the direction of time and the increasing entropy of a universe in which some states can be achieved in more ways than others, is still one of the major contributions to the problem of time's arrow.

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  • Boltzmann , Ludwig Edward — (1844–1906) Austrian theoretical physicist Boltzmann studied at the university in his native city of Vienna, where he received his doctorate in 1866. He held professorships in physics or mathematics at Graz (1869–73; 1876–79), Vienna (1873–76;… …   Scientists

  • Boltzmann, Ludwig Eduard — ▪ Austrian physicist born Feb. 20, 1844, Vienna, Austria died Sept. 5, 1906, Duino, Italy       physicist whose greatest achievement was in the development of statistical mechanics, which explains and predicts how the properties of atoms (such as …   Universalium

  • Boltzmann, Ludwig — ► (1844 1906) Físico austríaco. Son muy importantes sus estudios sobre física molecular, termodinámica, magnetismo, etc …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Boltzmann, Ludwig (Eduard) — born Feb. 20, 1844, Vienna, Austria died Sept. 5, 1906, Duino, Italy Austrian physicist. He obtained his doctorate from the University of Vienna and thereafter taught at several German and Austrian universities. He was one of the first European… …   Universalium

  • Boltzmann, Ludwig (Eduard) — (20 feb. 1844, Viena, Austria–5 sep. 1906, Duino, Italia). Físico austríaco. Obtuvo su doctorado en la Universidad de Viena y de ahí en adelante enseñó en varias universidades alemanas y austríacas. Fue uno de los primeros científicos europeos en …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Boltzmann — Boltzmann, Ludwig …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Ludwig Boltzmann — Naissance 20 février 1844 Vienne ( …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ludwig Boltzmann — Ludwig Boltzmann. Ludwig Edward Boltzmann (Viena, 20 de febrero de 1844 Duino, Italia, 5 de septiembre de 1906) fue un físico austriaco pionero de la mecánica estadística, autor de la llamada constante de Boltzm …   Wikipedia Español

  • Ludwig — Ludwig, Emil Ludwig, Karl Friedrich Ludwig, Otto * * * (as used in expressions) Beck, Ludwig Beethoven, Ludwig van Boltzmann, Ludwig (Eduard) Erhard, Ludwig Feuerbach, Ludwig (Andreas) Fraenkel Conrat, Heinz L(udwig) Frege, (Friedrich Ludwig)… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Boltzmann — (Ludwig) (1844 1906) physicien autrichien; pionnier de la thermodynamique. || PHYS La constante de Boltzmann (k) est le quotient R/N, R étant la constante des gaz parfaits et N le nombre d Avogadro …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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