Bosanquet, Bernard

Bosanquet, Bernard
English absolute idealist . Bosanquet was educated and taught at Oxford, left in order to involve himself in charity work in London, and finally held the chair of moral philosophy at St Andrews, Scotland. He held a view of the individual as a social entity whose realization involved absorption into the social and cultural activities of others. The priority of social wholes, and their necessity to the full existence of a single individual, is a reversal of classical liberal priorities, described by Bosanquet as based on the ‘pathos and bathos of sentimentalism’. His works include Knowledge and Reality (1885), Logic (1888), History of Aesthetics (1892), numerous translations from German, and works on social and ethical issues.

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  • Bosanquet, Bernard — born June 14, 1848, Alnwick, Northumberland, Eng. died Feb. 8, 1923, London British philosopher. He helped revive in Britain the absolute idealism of G.W.F. Hegel and sought to apply its principles to social and political problems. His debt to… …   Universalium

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  • Bosanquet, Bernard — (14 jun. 1848, Alnwick, Northumberland, Inglaterra–8 feb. 1923, Londres). Filósofo británico. Contribuyó a la revitalización del idealismo absoluto de Georg Hegel en Gran Bretaña y trató de aplicar los principios hegelianos a los problemas… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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  • Bernard Bosanquet — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Bernard Bosanquet. Bernard Bosanquet (14 de julio de 1848 8 de febrero de 1923), fue un filósofo y teórico político inglés, que influyó en materia de políticas soc …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bernard Bosanquet — Bernard Bosanquet. Bernard Bosanquet (* 14. Juni 1848 in Rock Hall bei Alnwick; † 8. Februar 1923 in London) war ein britischer Philosoph. Bosanquet lehrte an der Universität in Oxford; 1903 1908 war er Professor der Moralphilosophie in Saint… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Bosanquet — may refer to:* Bosanquet, Ontario, a former township in CanadaPeople with the surname Bosanquet: * Bernard Bosanquet (philosopher) (1848–1923), English philosopher * Bernard Bosanquet (cricketer) (1877–1936), English cricketer, credited with… …   Wikipedia

  • BOSANQUET (B.) — BOSANQUET BERNARD (1848 1923) Philosophe anglais, qui fut professeur à Saint Andrews. Bosanquet est un représentant original, avec Bradley et Royce, de l’idéalisme néo hégélien. Il était le combattant d’une cause perdue en ce qu’il se voulait le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Bernard — /berdd nannrdd / for 1; /berr neuhrd, berr nahrd / for 2, n. 1. Claude /klohd/, 1813 78, French physiologist. 2. a male given name: from Germanic words meaning bear and hardy. * * * (as used in expressions) Albinus Bernard Siegfried Baruch… …   Universalium

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