

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • personalism — personalist, n. personalistic, adj. /perr seuh nl iz euhm/, n. 1. Also called personal idealism. a modern philosophical movement locating ultimate value and reality in persons, human or divine. 2. Psychol. an approach stressing individual… …   Universalium

  • Thomas Buford — Thomas O. Buford (1932 ) holds the Louis G. Forgione Chair of Philosophy at Furman University and has been an adherent of the Boston Personalism branch of philosophy.Academic careerBuford joined the faculty at Furman University in 1969. After… …   Wikipedia

  • Personalism — is the school of thought that consists of three main principles, and which can broadly be qualified as species of Humanism : # Only persons are real (in the ontological sense), # Only persons have value, and # Only persons have free will.… …   Wikipedia

  • List of states in the Holy Roman Empire — A B C D …   Wikipedia

  • Difference feminism — Part of a series on Feminism …   Wikipedia

  • Democratic peace theory — (or liberal democratic theory[1] or simply the democratic peace ) is the theory that democracies, for some appropriate definition of democracy, rarely, or even never, go to war with one another. Some have preferred the term inter democracy… …   Wikipedia

  • Imperial State — An Imperial State or Imperial Estate (German singular: Reichsstand , plural: Reichsstände ) was an entity in the Holy Roman Empire with a vote in the Reichstag or Imperial Diet. Several states had no seats in the Empire, while some officials… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Russian philosophers — Russian philosophy is a broad field, little known to most non Russians, dominated by religious and humanistic figures such as Vladimir Soloviev and social or political philosophers such as Vladimir Lenin. Berdyaev is among the many famous Russian …   Wikipedia

  • Esprit (magazine) — Esprit is a French literary magazine. Founded in October 1932 by Emmanuel Mounier, it was the personalist review . From 1957 to 1976, it was directed by Jean Marie Domenach. Paul Thibaud directed it for some time. The philosopher Paul Ricoeur… …   Wikipedia

  • Manifesto of the 121 — The Manifesto of the 121 (French: Manifeste des 121, full title: Déclaration sur le droit à l’insoumission dans la guerre d’Algérie or Declaration on the right of unsubordination in the Algerian War) was an open letter signed by 121 intellectuals …   Wikipedia

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