Bultmann, Rudolf

Bultmann, Rudolf
German religious thinker who worked mainly at Marburg, and was influenced by Heidegger . He is famous for a ‘demythologizing’ approach to religion, arguing that Christianity needs no commitment either to the historical claims of the Bible or to the myths that may be found there. Although Bultmann does not embrace it, the natural consequence of this seems to shrink religious commitment to a purely personal stance lacking the objective ambitions of traditional religion.

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • Bultmann, Rudolf — ▪ German theologian Introduction born Aug. 20, 1884, Wiefelstede, Ger. died July 30, 1976, Marburg, W.Ger.       leading 20th century New Testament scholar known for his program to “demythologize” the New Testament; i.e., to interpret, according… …   Universalium

  • Bultmann, Rudolf — (1884 1976 )    German theologian and biblical scholar    Rudolf Karl Bultmann was born on August 20, 1884, in Wiefelstede, Oldenburg, Germany, the son of a Lutheran pastor. He attended the Universities of Tübingen, Berlin, and Marburg, where he… …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • Bultmann, Rudolf — (1884–1976)    Theologian.    Bultmann was educated at the Universities of Marburg, Tübingen and Berlin. Subsequently he returned to Marburg where he taught the New Testament for thirty years. He was a pioneer in the form critical method of… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Bultmann, Rudolf — (1884–1976) German NT scholar. Professor at Marburg University and generally regarded as the foremost NT scholar of the 20th cent. His commentary on the gospel of John has been fundamental for all subsequent study of it. He was a leading exponent …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • BULTMANN, Rudolf — (1884 1976)    from 1921 until 1951 professor of NEW TESTAMENT studies at Marburg. Bultmann developed the method of FORM CRITICISM as a radical methodological SKEPTICISM. With this historical skepticism he combined DIALECTICAL THEOLOGY and the… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Bultmann, Rudolf Karl — (1884 1976)    A theologian and scholar of the New Testament, Bultmann was influenced by neo Kantianism and the existentialism of Martin Heidegger. As a result, he categorically denied that there could be any miracles, including the resurrection… …   Christian Philosophy

  • Bultmann, Rudolf (Karl) — born Aug. 20, 1884, Wiefelstede, Ger. died July 30, 1976, Marburg, W.Ger. German Protestant theologian and New Testament scholar. The son of a Lutheran pastor, he studied at the University of Tübingen and later taught many years at Marburg… …   Universalium

  • Bultmann, Rudolf (Karl) — (20 ago. 1884, Wiefelstede, Alemania–30 jul. 1976, Marburgo). Teólogo protestante alemán y erudito del Nuevo Testamento. Hijo de un pastor luterano, fue alumno de la Universidad de Tubinga y luego profesor durante muchos años en Marburgo… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Bultmann — Bultmann, Rudolf …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Rudolf Bultmann — Rudolf Karl Bultmann (* 20. August 1884 in Wiefelstede; † 30. Juli 1976 in Marburg) war ein evangelischer Theologe. Er wurde bekannt durch sein Programm der Entmythologisierung der neutestamentlichen Verkündigung. Er war Professor für Neues… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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