categorial grammar

categorial grammar
A type of formal grammar that works with a fixed number of basic categories, such as the sentence and the noun or noun phrase. A categorial grammar may serve as the basis for more powerful rules, such as those of Montague grammars.

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • Categorial grammar — is a term used for a family of formalisms in natural language syntax motivated by the principle of compositionality and organized according to the view that syntactic constituents should generally combine as functions or according to a function… …   Wikipedia

  • categorial grammar — a grammar in which linguistic elements are categorized in terms of their ability to combine with one another to form larger constituents. * * * …   Universalium

  • categorial grammar — a grammar in which linguistic elements are categorized in terms of their ability to combine with one another to form larger constituents …   Useful english dictionary

  • Combinatory categorial grammar — (CCG) is an efficiently parseable, yet linguistically expressive grammar formalism. It has a transparent interface between surface syntax and underlying semantic representation, including predicate argument structure, quantification and… …   Wikipedia

  • categorial — /kat i gawr ee euhl, gohr /, adj. Ling. 1. of or pertaining to a categorial grammar. 2. (in generative grammar) of or pertaining to the part of the base component that contains rules for establishing syntactic categories and ordering the elements …   Universalium

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  • Montague grammar — is an approach to natural language semantics, named after American logician Richard Montague. The Montague grammar is based on formal logic, especially higher order predicate logic and lambda calculus, and makes use of the notions of intensional… …   Wikipedia

  • Higher order grammar — (HOG) is a grammar theory based on higher order logic. It can be viewed simultaneously as generative enumerative (like Categorial Grammar and Principles Parameters) or model theoretic (like Head Driven Phrase Structure Grammar or Lexical… …   Wikipedia

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