- ad hoc hypothesis
- Hypothesis adopted purely for the purpose of saving a theory from difficulty or refutation, but without any independent rationale.
Philosophy dictionary. Academic. 2011.
Philosophy dictionary. Academic. 2011.
AD HOC HYPOTHESIS — pertains to one case alone and cannot be tested by being placed in new situations. Disconnected hypothesis which are unrelated to the other hypotheses in the system. Ad hoc hypothesis are considered a mark of weakness in a worldview … Concise dictionary of Religion
hypothesis — Synonyms and related words: a priori principle, affirmation, apriorism, assertion, assumed position, assumption, axiom, basis, categorical proposition, conjecture, data, first principles, foundation, ground, guesswork, hypothesis ad hoc,… … Moby Thesaurus
ad hoc — hypothesis … Philosophy dictionary
ad hoc hypotheses — ad hoc hypothesis … Philosophy dictionary
Ad hoc — is a Latin phrase which means for this purpose . It generally signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task, non generalizable, and which cannot be adapted to other purposes. Common examples are organizations, committees, and… … Wikipedia
Ad hoc — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Ad hoc (значения). Ad hoc (лат. Ad hoc «по месту») является латинской фразой, означающей «к этому, для данного случая, для этой цели». Как правило, используется для обозначения решения,… … Википедия
Aether drag hypothesis — In the 19th century, the theory of the luminiferous aether as the hypothetical medium for the propagation of light, was widely discussed. An important part of this discussion was the question concerning the state of motion of Earth with respect… … Wikipedia
ГИПОТЕЗА AD HOC — (ad hoc hypothesis) гипотеза, добавляемая к объяснительной ее лишь затем, чтобы оградить теорию от возможных опровергающих доказательств. В фальсификационизме Поппера гипотезы для данного случая названы незаконными. Он ссылается на Маркса и… … Большой толковый социологический словарь
Post-hoc analysis — design and analysis of experiments, refers to looking at the data after the experiment has concluded for patterns that were not specified a priori . It is also known as data dredging to evoke the sense that the more one looks the more likely… … Wikipedia
Prout's hypothesis — was an early 19th century attempt to explain the existence of the various chemical elements through a hypothesis regarding the internal structure of the atom. In 1815 [William Prout (1815). On the relation between the specific gravities of bodies … Wikipedia