
(Skt., non-duality) The doctrine of the Vedantic school associated with Shankara, that asserts the identity of brahman and atman ; the empirical world is one of phenomena bene fundata and, like the self, is entirely a manifestation of God.

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • advaita — La doctrina advaita, o vedānta advaita es una rama no dualista del hinduismo que afirma la unidad entre las almas (atman) y la divinidad (Brahman). La persona que consolidó los principios del advaita vedanta fue Adi Shankara. Contenido 1 No… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Advaita — /euhd vuy teuh/, n. Hinduism. one of the two principal Vedantic schools, asserting the existence of Brahman alone, whose appearance as the world is an illusion resulting from ignorance. Cf. dvaita (def. 2). [ < Skt] * * * (Sanskrit: Nondualism )… …   Universalium

  • Advaita — noun a) A Sanskrit philosophical term that may be literally rendered in English as nonduality: denoting that though differences and variegation appear in the human condition they are unreal or illusory and are not ultimately true. b) A… …   Wiktionary

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