Edwards, Jonathan

Edwards, Jonathan
American philosopher and theologian. Born in Connecticut, Edwards was educated at Yale, and showed an early passion for philosophy and theology. His uncompromising Calvinism survived exposure to the works of Locke, and in metaphysics led to an idealism quite similar to that of Berkeley, with the ordin-ary world no more than the set of impressions afforded to us by God. In ethical matters Edwards retained the view that any virtue people acquire is through the free gift of God, and that no unaided effort can improve the fallen condition of humanity. Edwards played a major role in the ‘Great Awakening’ or New England religious revival of the mid-18th century.

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  • Edwards, Jonathan — (1703 58)    A congregational minister in colonial New England, Edwards was a leader in the Great Awakening and was important both as a philosopher and as a theologian. While his impact on theology has been great, sustained interest in his… …   Christian Philosophy

  • Edwards, Jonathan — born Oct. 5, 1703, East Windsor, Conn. died March 22, 1758, Princeton, N.J. American theologian. The 5th of 11 children in a strict Puritan home, he entered Yale College at age 13. In 1727 he was named a pastor at his grandfather s church in… …   Universalium

  • Edwards, Jonathan — (1703 1758)    American Congregational theologian and preacher    Jonathan Edwards was the greatest American theologian of his day. He is remembered for his theological writings and for his participation in and observations about the period of… …   Encyclopedia of Protestantism

  • Edwards, Jonathan — (1703–58)    Theologian.    Edwards was educated at the University of Yale where he underwent a religious conversion. He was ordained to the Congregational ministry and in 1724 he became the pastor of the Congregational Church of Northampton,… …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Edwards,Jonathan — Ed·wards (ĕdʹwərdz), Jonathan. 1703 1758. American theologian and philosopher whose original sermons and writings stimulated the Great Awakening, a period of renewed American interest in religion. * * * …   Universalium

  • Edwards, Jonathan — (5 oct. 1703, East Windsor, Conn.–22 mar. 1758, Princeton, N.J.). Teólogo estadounidense. El quinto de 11 hijos de un hogar estrictamente puritano (ver puritanismo), ingresó a la Universidad de Yale a los 13 años de edad. En 1727 fue nombrado… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • EDWARDS, JONATHAN —    a celebrated divine, born at E. Windsor, Connecticut; graduated at Yale; minister at Northampton, Mass.; missionary to Housatonnuck Indians; was elected to the Presidency of Princeton College; wrote an acute and original work, The Freedom of… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • EDWARDS, Jonathan — (1703 1758)    a staunch CALVINIST and probably the greatest American philosopher of all time and an outstanding REVIVALIST PREACHER and theologian who played the key role in the GREAT AWAKENING, 1734 1735. His early writings covered various… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Edwards, Jonathan — (1702? 1758)    Theologian, s. of a minister, was b. at East Windsor, Connecticut, ed. at Yale Coll., and licensed as a preacher in 1722. The following year he was appointed as tutor at Yale, a position in which he showed exceptional capacity. In …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

  • Edwards, Jonathan —    см. Эдвардс, Джонатан …   Писатели США. Краткие творческие биографии

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