Franklin, Benjamin

Franklin, Benjamin
Although Franklin's distinction rests on his work as a scientist and statesman, his homely moral and political philosophy, particularly as expounded in Poor Richard's Almanack (1733–58), has been extremely influential as an expression of a folksy, democratic virtue ethic.

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • Franklin, Benjamin — born Jan. 17, 1706, Boston, Mass. died April 17, 1790, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S. American statesman, scientist, philosopher, and publisher. He was apprenticed at age 12 to his brother, a local printer. He taught himself to write effectively, and in …   Universalium

  • Franklin , Benjamin — (1706–1790) American scientist, statesman, diplomat, printer, and inventor Franklin s father left England in 1682 and the following year settled in Boston, Massachusetts, where he worked as a candle maker and soap boiler. Although originally… …   Scientists

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  • FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN —    born in Boston, was the youngest son of a tallow chandler and one of a family of 17; received a meagre education, and at the age of 12 became apprenticed to his brother, a printer and proprietor of a small newspaper, to whose columns he began… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Franklin, Benjamin — (1706 1790)    American statesman and philosopher.    Index: Dr Heads commission to enquire into affairs in Canada, 135; his report, 136. WM Did not believe British colonies would revolt, 269.    Bib.: Autobiography; Complete Works, ed. by… …   The makers of Canada

  • Franklin, Benjamin — (1706 1790)    American statesman, philosopher, and writer, was one of a numerous family. His f. was a soap boiler at Boston, where F. was b. He was apprenticed at the age of 13 to his brother, a printer, who treated him harshly. After various… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

  • Franklin, Benjamin —    см. Франклин, Бенджамин …   Писатели США. Краткие творческие биографии

  • Franklin Benjamin Sanborn — Sanborn was born at Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, the son of Aaron and Lydia (Leavitt) Sanborn. He graduated Harvard in 1855. As secretary of the Massachusetts Kansas Commission he came into close touch with John Brown. From 1863 to 1867 Sanborn… …   Wikipedia

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