Gassendi, Pierre

Gassendi, Pierre
French philosopher and mathematician. Born in Provence and educated as a priest, Gassendi taught at Digne and at Aix before being appointed to the chair of mathematics at the Royal College of France in Paris in 1645. His earliest work (Exercitationes Paradoxicae adversus Aristoteleos, 1624, trs. as Exercises against the Aristotelians, 1972) develops the ‘mitigated scepticism’ that characterizes much of his philosophical outlook. Gassendi had a deep respect for ancient scepticism, and his objections to Descartes's Meditations (collected as the fifth set of objections) mount a withering attack on the foundational role of ‘clear and distinct ideas’ in Descartes's work. These were later expanded into the Disquisitio Metaphysica (1644). But along with his scepticism Gassendi reserved a place for genuine scientific knowledge and enquiry, and cultivated an atomism owing much to Epicurus, and itself much in tune with the emergent materialistic science of the 17th century. Gassendi's three volumes of commentary on Epicurus were among the works collected in the posthumous Opera Omnia of 1658.

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  • Gassendi, Pierre — • French philosopher and scientist. Article by J.G. Hagen covers Gassendi s life and work in some detail Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Gassendi, Pierre — ▪ French mathematician, philosopher, and scientist Introduction Gassendi also spelled  Gassend   born Jan. 22, 1592, Champtercier, Provence, France died Oct. 24, 1655, Paris       French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician, who revived… …   Universalium

  • Gassendi , Pierre — (1592–1655) French physicist and philosopher Gassendi was born at Champtercier in France. After being educated in Aix and Paris, he gained a doctorate in theology from Avignon in 1616, was ordained in 1617, and in the same year was appointed to… …   Scientists

  • Gassendi, Pierre — (1592 1655)    philosopher, savant    Born in Champtercier, near Digne, where he was educated, Pierre Gassend, or Gassendi as he is known, in 1617 was named professor of philosophy at the University of Aix en Provence. For several years, he… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

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  • GASSENDI, PIERRE —    a French mathematician and philosopher, born in Provence; declared against scholastic methods out of deference to the empirical; controverted the metaphysics of Descartes; became the head of a school opposed to him; adopted the philosophy of… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Gassendi — Gassendi, Pierre …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Gassendi — Gassendi, Pierre …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Pierre Gassend — Pierre Gassendi (Pierre Gassend, Petrus Gassendi; * 22. Januar 1592 in Champtercier/Provence; † 24. Oktober 1655 in Paris) war ein französischer Theologe, Naturwissenschaftler und Philosoph. Pierre Gassendi Inhaltsverzeichnis …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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