Necessarily universal

  • 91architecture — /ahr ki tek cheuhr/, n. 1. the profession of designing buildings, open areas, communities, and other artificial constructions and environments, usually with some regard to aesthetic effect. Architecture often includes design or selection of… …


  • 92Continental philosophy — Collective term for the many distinct philospohical traditions, methods, and styles that predominated on the European continent (particularly in France and Germany) from the time of Immanuel Kant. It is usually understood in contrast with… …


  • 93Moral relativism — For other uses, see Relativism Moral relativism may be any of several descriptive, meta ethical, or normative positions. Each of them is concerned with the differences in moral judgments across different people and cultures: Descriptive… …


  • 94Peripatetic school (The) — The Peripatetic school1 Robert W.Sharples THE HISTORY OF THE SCHOOL AND OF ARISTOTLE’S WRITINGS The history of Peripatetic philosophy after Aristotle falls into two phases, divided by the renewal of interest in the works we now possess after… …

    History of philosophy

  • 95Origin of language — The origin of language is the emergence of language in the human species. This is a highly controversial topic, empirical evidence being so limited that many regard it as unsuitable for serious scholars. In 1866, the Linguistic Society of Paris… …


  • 96novel — novel1 novellike, adj. /nov euhl/, n. 1. a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length and complexity, portraying characters and usually presenting a sequential organization of action and scenes. 2. (formerly) novella (def. 1). [1560 70; <&#8230; …


  • 97Customary law in South Africa — South African customary law refers to that usually uncodified legal system developed and practiced by the indigenous communities of South Africa. Customary law has been defined as an established system of immemorial rules [...] evolved from the&#8230; …


  • 98Augustine — Gerard O’Daly 1 LIFE AND PHILOSOPHICAL READINGS Augustine was born in Thagaste (modern Souk Ahras in Algeria) in Roman North Africa in AD 354. He died as bishop of Hippo (now Annaba, Algeria) in 430. His education followed the standard Roman&#8230; …

    History of philosophy

  • 99Schopenhauer, Arthur — Arthur Schopenhauer Kathleen M.Higgins Despite a recent surge of philosophical interest, Arthur Schopenhauer remains one of the most underappreciated philosophers of modern times. He has arguably had a greater influence on subsequent philosophy&#8230; …

    History of philosophy

  • 100LITERATURE, JEWISH — Literature on Jewish themes and in languages regarded as Jewish has been written continuously for the past 3,000 years. What the term Jewish literature encompasses, however, demands definition, since Jews have lived in so many countries and have&#8230; …

    Encyclopedia of Judaism