Mannheim, Karl

Mannheim, Karl
German sociologist. Born in Budapest, Mannheim was educated at Heidelberg, before becoming professor of sociology at Frankfurt. In 1933 he left Germany and taught at London until 1946. His major work, Ideologie und Utopie (1929, trs. as Ideology and Utopia, 1936) was influential in opening up the sociology of knowledge, or the attempt to relate all modes of thought to the economic and cultural forces surrounding their occurrence (see base and superstructure ). His own attempts to explain how objective knowledge is possible despite the matrix of interests that give it its shape have not met general acceptance.

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  • MANNHEIM, KARL — (1893–1947), sociologist. Born in Budapest, Mannheim was a student of Max Weber in Heidelberg. He was professor of sociology in Frankfurt in 1930, emigrating in 1933 to London, where he taught at the London School of Economics until his death.… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Mannheim, Karl — (1893 1947)    sociologist; helped establish sociology as an academic discipline. Born in Budapest to a Hungarian father and a German mother, he studied philosophy, pedagogy, and German literary history before taking a doctorate at Budapest in… …   Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik

  • Mannheim, Karl — born March 27, 1893, Budapest, Austria Hungary died Jan. 9, 1947, London, Eng. Hungarian sociologist. Mannheim taught in Germany (University of Heidelberg, 1926–30; Frankfurt am Main, 1930–33) before the rise of Adolph Hitler. He was invited to… …   Universalium

  • Mannheim, Karl — (1893 1947) A Hungarian sociologist who emigrated to Germany and finally to England shortly after Hitler came to power. His most enduring contribution was to the sociology of knowledge , which he defined as a theory of the social or existential… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Mannheim, Karl — (1893 1947)    Hungarian sociol ogist. Born in Budapest, he studied at the University of Budapest. He initially taught high school in Budapest, then at a teacher s training college of the University of Budapest and later at Heidelberg. In 1930 he …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Mannheim, Karl — ► (1891 1947) Sociólogo alemán. Es conocido sobre todo por su obra Ideología y utopía (1929). * * * (27 mar. 1893, Budapest, Austria Hungría–9 ene. 1947, Londres, Inglaterra). Sociólogo alemán de origen húngaro. Fue docente en las universidades… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • MANNHEIM, Karl — (1893 1947)    Hungarian SOCIOLOGIST who sought to relate styles of thought, or worldviews, to specific historical times and social GROUPS, and to show their social function. Wrote Ideology and Utopia (1936) …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Mannheim — Mannheim, Karl …   Dictionary of sociology

  • Karl-Friedrich-Gymnasium Mannheim — Schulform Gymnasium Gründung 1664 Ort Mannheim Land Baden Württemberg …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Karl III. Philipp — von der Pfalz im Harnisch, J. Ph. van der Schlichten, um 1733, Reiss Engelhorn Museen, Mannheim …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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