
In the philosophy of Kant, the manifold is the unorganized flux presented to the senses, but not experienced, since experience results from the mind structuring the manifold by means of concepts. The nature of the unstructured manifold is unknowable (transcendental).

Philosophy dictionary. . 2011.

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  • manifold — [ manifɔld ] n. m. • 1930; mot angl., pour manifold paper ♦ Anglic. 1 ♦ Carnet comportant plusieurs séries de feuilles et de papier carbone. 2 ♦ (1960) Techn. Ensemble de vannes et de conduits orientant un fluide vers un réservoir ou des… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • manifold — [man′ə fōld΄] adj. [ME < OE manigfeald: see MANY & FOLD] 1. having many and various forms, features, parts, etc. [manifold wisdom] 2. of many sorts; many and varied; multifarious: used with a plural noun [manifold duties] 3. being such in many …   English World dictionary

  • Manifold — Man i*fold, a. [AS. manigfeald. See {Many}, and {Fold}.] 1. Various in kind or quality; many in number; numerous; multiplied; complicated. [1913 Webster] O Lord, how manifold are thy works! Ps. civ. 24. [1913 Webster] I know your manifold… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • manifold — manifóld s. n., pl. manifólde Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  MANIFÓLD s.n. 1. (Anglicism) Carnet de note, de facturi etc. cu cotor. 2. (tehn.) Colector; conductă de aducţie. ♦ Claviatură. [< engl., fr. manifold] …   Dicționar Român

  • Manifold — Man i*fold, n. 1. A copy of a writing made by the manifold process. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mech.) A cylindrical pipe fitting, having a number of lateral outlets, for connecting one pipe with several others; as, the exhaust manifold of an automobile… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Manifold — Man i*fold, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Manifolded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Manifolding}.] To take copies of by the process of manifold writing; as, to manifold a letter. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • manifold — I adjective assorted, considerable, divers, diverse, diversified, innumerable, many, miscellaneous, multifarious, multifold, multiform, multiple, multiplex, multiplicate, multitudinous, myriad, numerous, populous, profuse, several, sundry,… …   Law dictionary

  • Manifold —   [ mænɪfəʊld], John Streeter, australischer Schriftsteller und Musikhistoriker, * Melbourne 21. 4. 1915, ✝ Brisbane 19. 4. 1985; verfasste v. a. satirische, aber auch romantische Verse sowie Lyrik über den Krieg. Bekannt wurde er auch als… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • manifold — [adj] abundant, many assorted, complex, copious, different, diverse, diversified, diversiform, multifarious, multifold, multiform, multiple, multiplied, multitudinous, multivarious, numerous, sundry, varied, various; concepts 564,762,781 Ant. one …   New thesaurus

  • manifold — ► ADJECTIVE formal or literary 1) many and various. 2) having many different forms. ► NOUN 1) a pipe or chamber branching into several openings. 2) (in an internal combustion engine) the part conveying air and fuel from the carburettor to the… …   English terms dictionary

  • Manifold — For other uses, see Manifold (disambiguation). The sphere (surface of a ball) is a two dimensional manifold since it can be represented by a collection of two dimensional maps. In mathematics (specifically in differential geometry and topology),… …   Wikipedia

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