Paradigm shift — sometimes known as extraordinary science or revolutionary science, is the term first used by Thomas Kuhn in his influential 1962 book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions to describea change in basic assumptions within the ruling theory of sc … Wikipedia
case — 1 n [Latin casus accident, event, set of circumstances, literally, act of falling] 1 a: a civil or criminal suit or action the judicial power shall extend to all case s, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution U.S. Constitution art.… … Law dictionary
case — I n 1. instance, occurrence, occasion; happening, phenomenon, event, adventure; affair, concern, matter, business; precedent, antecedent, exemplar; representative, prototype, type, standard, model, paradigm, norm; example, illustration, sample,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Narrative paradigm — The Narrative Paradigm is a theory proposed by Walter Fisher that all meaningful communication is a form of storytelling or giving a report of events (see narrative) and so human beings experience and comprehend life as a series of ongoing… … Wikipedia
The Negro Family: The Case For National Action — The Negro Family: The Case For National Action, also known as the Moynihan Report was written by then sociologist and later U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and released in 1965. It focused on the deep roots of black poverty in America and… … Wikipedia
List of philosophy topics (I-Q) — II and thou I Ching I Ching I proposition I Thou I Thou relationshipIaIamblichus (philosopher)IbYahya Ibn Adi Yahya Ibn Adi Ibn al Arabi Muhyi al Din Ibn al Arabi Abu Bakr Ibn Bajja Abu Bakr Ibn Bājja Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn as Say igh… … Wikipedia
Plato: metaphysics and epistemology — Robert Heinaman METAPHYSICS The Theory of Forms Generality is the problematic feature of the world that led to the development of Plato’s Theory of Forms and the epistemological views associated with it.1 This pervasive fact of generality appears … History of philosophy
Conduit metaphor — A Conduit metaphor is a linguistic term referring to a dominant class of figurative expressions used when discussing communication itself (metalanguage). It operates whenever people speak or write as if they insert their mental contents (feelings … Wikipedia
Hellenistic biological sciences — R.J.Kankinson The five centuries that separate Aristotle’s death in 322 BC from Galen’s ascendancy in Rome in the latter part of the second century AD were fertile ones for the biological sciences, in particular medicine. Nor is the period solely … History of philosophy
Customary law in South Africa — South African customary law refers to that usually uncodified legal system developed and practiced by the indigenous communities of South Africa. Customary law has been defined as an established system of immemorial rules [...] evolved from the… … Wikipedia