Faraday, Michael — born Sept. 22, 1791, Newington, Surrey, Eng. died Aug. 25, 1867, Hampton Court English physicist and chemist. Son of a blacksmith, he received only a basic education in a church Sunday school, but he went to work as an assistant to Humphry Davy,… … Universalium
Faraday , Michael — (1791–1867) British physicist and chemist Faraday s father was a blacksmith who suffered from poor health and could only work irregularly. Faraday, who was born in Newington, knew real poverty as a child and his education was limited for he left… … Scientists
Faraday, Michael — (1791–1867) Scientist. Faraday was the son of a blacksmith working in London. He started his scientific career as an assistant to Sir Humphry Davy and became Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution in 1827. He is remembered as the… … Who’s Who in Christianity
Faraday,Michael — Far·a·day (fărʹə dā , dē), Michael. 1791 1867. British physicist and chemist who discovered electromagnetic induction (1831) and proposed the field theory later developed by Maxwell and Einstein. * * * … Universalium
Faraday, Michael — Contemporary illustrator of erotic novels … Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators
Faraday, Michael — ► (1791 1867) Físico y químico británico. Pudo, con la ayuda de un voltímetro de su invención, establecer las leyes cualitativas de la electrólisis, debiéndosele las denominaciones de «ánodo» y «cátodo». Sus descubrimientos más importantes son:… … Enciclopedia Universal
FARADAY, MICHAEL — a highly distinguished chemist and natural philosopher, born at Newington Butts, near London, of poor parents; received a meagre education, and at 13 was apprenticed to a bookseller, but devoted his evenings to chemical and electrical studies … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Faraday, Michael — (1791–1867) British chemist and physicist … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Faraday, Michael — (1791 1867) Natural philosopher, s. of a blacksmith, was b. in London, and apprenticed to a book binder. He early showed a taste for chemistry, and attended the lectures of Sir H. Davy (q.v.), by whom he was, in 1813, appointed his chemical… … Short biographical dictionary of English literature
Faraday — Faraday, Michael … Philosophy dictionary